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Minor Works Items

Minor Works Item - 1.61

Minor works items - 1.61

Item details

Minor Works Item - 1.61
Item no. 1.61
Item class/type Class I TypeA
Nature of works Repair/Replacement
Scope of works The works involve curtain walls
In accordance with the original design Yes
The works involve the replacement of any supporting structure, or any structural element, that connects the wall to its parent structure. No

Submission procedure

Owner or their agent

Appoint Prescribed Building Professional and Prescribed Registered Contractor (Class I of Type A)

Search for Eligible Professionals/Contractors online

Prescribed Building Professionals

Submit MW01 - Notice of Commencement, documents, photos 7 days before commencement of work

MW01 formSee sample

Prescribed Building Professionals

Submit MW02 - Certificate of Completion, documents, photos within 14 days after completion of work

MW02 formSee sample
