The Site Monitoring Section (SMS) carries out systematic inspections of private building sites where building works are in progress to identify any irregularities or contraventions of the works being carried out that might have potential safety hazards to the public or non-compliance with the Buildings Ordinance and regulations and the approved/submitted plans.

The SMS deals with building works requiring approval and consent under the Building Ordinance (BO) as well as Class I Minor Works. Our staff will carry out audit inspections to all these construction sites.
Site Inspection
The inspections focus on site safety and quality related aspects of building works in progress to ensure that relevant provisions of the Buildings Ordinance are complied with.
Surprise Checks

The SMS also carries out surprise checks to active construction sites on aspects of structural safety and integrity of foundation and superstructure works.
This strategy for auditing building works helps to bring to light structural safety-related irregularities or procedures and practices that will result in substandard building works before they become very costly or impossible to put right.
On receiving reports concerning safety issues arising from the operations of building and demolition sites the SMS carries out emergency inspections and the necessary follow up actions.