- This function allows users to search for the issuance/compliance status of Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme/Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme Notices (MBIS/MWIS notices) issued by the Buildings Department (BD) to the common parts and individual units of target buildings; and the Fire Safety Directions / Fire Safety Improvement Directions / Fire Safety Compliance Orders / Fire Safety Improvement Compliance Orders / Prohibition Orders issued by the BD to the common parts and individual units of target buildings. The search can be made by using either "Notice/Direction/Order Number", "Address" or "Building Name". Search function for the Fire Safety directions / Fire Safety Improvement Directions /orders issued under Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance (Cap.502) and Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance (Cap.572) before 13 December 2024 is NOT available.
- If no result can be found using Chinese address/building name, users may try the English address/building name or vice versa. For those recently issued MBIS/MWIS notices which have not been updated in the search database, the relevant target buildings may be found on this list.
- The issuance / compliance status of MBIS/MWIS notices and FS directions / FS Improvement directions / orders will be updated on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month.
- Interested parties should consider making enquiries with the owners' corporation and/or individual owner concerned, the BD (2626 1616)(Handled by "1823") or FSD (2272 9112) for such information as necessary.
- For the issuance / compliance status of FS directions / FS Improvement directions / orders to target buildings, interested parties should consider making enquiries with FSD (Tel: 2272 9112 Website: https://fsdns.hkfsd.gov.hk/en) for such information.
- The information provided is for reference only. The compliance status of the MBIS/MWIS notices and Fire Safety Directions / Fire Safety Improvement Directions / orders may not be up-to-date. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will not be liable for any errors in, omissions from, or misstatements or misrepresentations concerning any such information, and will not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility. You are advised to re-confirm the above information with the respective department before relying or acting on the above information.
- User shall agree and accept the relevant legal notices and statements set out in 《Important notices》.
- This Disclaimer has been translated into Chinese version. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.