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Minor Works Items

Minor Works Item - 2.43

Minor works items - 2.43

Item details

Minor Works Item - 2.43
Item no. 2.43
Item class/type Class II TypeAE
Nature of works Erection/Alteration/Repair
Scope of works The works involve any retractable awning for an opening on the external wall of a building
The works involve alteration of any other structural elements No
The opening is
  1. A door opening (other than a door opening that serves as an exit for an escape staircase or that leads to a balcony or verandah); or
  2. A window opening (other than a window opening for a plant room, lavatory, bathroom or kitchen)
Fixed to any cantilevered slab No
Above the ceiling of the storey on which the opening is located No
The distance between the highest point of the awning and the roof or ground Not more than 5.5m
Projecting from the wall
  1. When retracted—not more than 500mm from the external wall; and
  2. When fully extended—
    1. if the awning projects over a roof— not more than 2m from the external wall; or
    2. in any other case— not more 2.5m from the external wall
The width of awning At most 500mm wider than the opening on both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the opening

Submission procedure

Owner or their agent

Appoint Prescribed Registered Contractor (Class II of Type A, E)

Search for Eligible Professionals/Contractors online

Prescribed Registered Contractors

Submit MW03 - Notice of Commencement, documents, photos 7 days before commencement of work

MW03 formSee sample

Prescribed Registered Contractors

Submit MW04 - Certificate of Completion, documents, photos within 14 days after completion of work

MW04 formSee sample
