Minor works items - 3.13
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- Submission procedure
Item details
Item no. | 3.13 |
Item class/type | Class III TypeA |
Nature of works | Erection/Alteration/Repair/Removal |
Result in any additional load to any cantilevered slab | No |
The works involve the alteration of any other structural elements | No |
Location of the metal gate | Located at the fence wall or building entrance |
The height of the gate | Not more than 3.2m |
The weight of each leaf of the gate | Not more than 200kg |
Other requirement | Not involve Designated Exempted Works item 8 |
More details: See Item 3.13 Description of building works, Schedule 1 - Part 3 - Division 3, Building (Minor Works) Regulation
Submission procedure
Step 1

Owner or their agent
Appoint and Prescribed Registered Contractor (Class III of Type A)
Step 2

Prescribed Registered Contractors
Submit MW05 - Notice of Commencement, documents, photos within 14 days after completion of work