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Minor Works Items

Minor Works Item - 3.31

Minor works items - 3.31

Item details

Minor Works Item - 3.31
Item no. 3.31
Item class/type Class III TypeAF
Nature of works Erection/Repair/Removal
Scope of works The works involve any external cladding
The distance between any part of the cladding and the adjoining ground or adjoining roof Not more than 6m
For an external cladding that is not fixed to an external wall of a building
  1. Metal cladding only
  2. It is not fixed to any cantilevered slab
  3. If the cladding is above a roof
    1. The setback distance of the cladding from the edge of the roof is more than 600mm
    2. The roof is not more than 20m above ground

Submission procedure

Owner or their agent

Appoint and Prescribed Registered Contractor (Class III of Type A, F)

Search for Eligible Professionals/Contractors online

Prescribed Registered Contractors

Submit MW05 - Notice of Commencement, documents, photos within 14 days after completion of work

MW05 formSee sample
