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Minor Works Items

Minor Works Item - 3.35

Minor works items - 3.35

Item details

Minor Works Item - 3.35
Item no. 3.35
Item class/type Class III TypeAE
Nature of works Strengthening
Scope of works The works involve any unauthorised metal supporting frame for an air-conditioning unit or any associated ducts
Result in any additional load to any cantilevered slab No
Location of the supporting frame Projecting from the external wall of a building
Projection from the wall Not more than 600mm
The frame is designed for Weight of the air-conditioning unit not more than 100kg
The distance between the highest point of the frame and the ground (If not more than 3m) the frame does not project over any street or common part of the building

Submission procedure

Owner or their agent

Appoint and Prescribed Registered Contractor (Class III of Type A, E)

Search for Eligible Professionals/Contractors online

Prescribed Registered Contractors

Submit MW05 - Notice of Commencement, documents, photos within 14 days after completion of work

MW05 formSee sample
