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Minor Works Items

Minor Works Item - 3.62

Minor works items - 3.62

Item details

Minor Works Item - 3.62
Item no. 3.62
Item class/type Class III TypeAB
Nature of works Repair
Scope of works The works involve any external mesh fence or metal railing with or without a solid fence wall as its lower part (structure)
Location of the structure Located on a roof of a building
The works involve the alteration of any other structural elements No
The height of the structure, including any feature at the top Not more than 2.5m
The fence or railing is used as a protective barrier No
If the lower part of the structure is a solid fence wall, the height of the wall alone Not more than 1.1 m
Other requirement Not involve Designated Exempted Works item 18

Submission procedure

Owner or their agent

Appoint and Prescribed Registered Contractor (Class III of Type A, B)

Search for Eligible Professionals/Contractors online

Prescribed Registered Contractors

Submit MW05 - Notice of Commencement, documents, photos within 14 days after completion of work

MW05 formSee sample
