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Pre-acceptance Mechanism for Innovative Building Materials and Technologies


Adoption of innovative building materials and technologies (IBMT) may enhance the safety, health and environmental performance of buildings, as well as productivity of the building industry.

Pre-acceptance for IBMT

With a view to facilitating the application of IBMT in private development projects in Hong Kong, the Buildings Department (BD) has set up a pre-acceptance mechanism for granting in-principle acceptance to building/drainage/structural IBMT (excluding innovative geotechnical materials and technologies). The details of the pre-acceptance mechanism for IBMT are outlined in Practice Notes for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers (PNAP) ADV-38.

The pre-acceptance mechanism aims to resolve the non-site specific* design and construction matters of an IBMT and provide curtailed assessment on whether the design and materials used meet the standards set out under the provisions of Buildings Ordinance (BO) so that the industry would have greater confidence in using IBMT for the local projects.

For the avoidance of doubt, the pre-acceptance mechanism is not applicable to the following**:

  1. building materials, products, systems or technologies that have already been accepted and shown in PNAPs (e.g. Modular Integrated Construction) and codes of practice issued by BD; and
  2. building materials, products, systems or technologies that have already been available in BD’s Central Data Bank.

*NOTE - Site specific matters or specific issues of uncertainty related to plan submissions should be handled in the formal plan submissions under the centralised processing system or the established mechanism of pre-submission enquiry as stipulated in PNAP ADM-19.

**NOTE – The materials and technologies not considered as IBMT could be handled through the established channel by formal plan submissions or pre-submission enquiry.


IBMT suppliers and manufacturers are required to appoint an authorized person (AP) (applicable for building/drainage IBMT) or a registered structural engineer (RSE) (applicable for structural IBMT) for preparing the application for in-principle acceptance of IBMT. If geotechnical matters are involved in IBMT (e.g. new foundation system), a registered geotechnical engineer (RGE) should also be appointed. The AP/RSE/RGE should evaluate the IBMT for the purpose of compliance with the BO and its subsidiary regulations.

Each application shall be submitted online, posted to or submitted in person to the General Enquiry and Receipt Counter at G/F, Buildings Department Headquarters, North Tower, West Kowloon Government Offices, 11 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon with the following:

  1. Completed and duly signed Form IBMT 1
  2. Innovation brief providing the details of the IBMT (e.g. use, design principle and job reference (if any)) and highlighting the innovative content of the IBMT
  3. Two sets of coloured building, drainage or structural plans as appropriate showing the application of the IBMT in the relevant architectural, drainage or structural layout and details as applicable for a development of intended usage, and information including compliance standards and regulations, specifications and performance, quality assurance and control measures, testing requirements (e.g. testing standards and sampling method) and acceptance criteria, etc.
  4. Technical specification of the IBMT (including product catalogue and technical document)
  5. Structural calculations (if applicable)
  6. Documentary evidence of compliance with relevant standards/requirements under the BO and its subsidiary regulations, including but not limited to mechanical resistance and stability, fire performance, safety in use and durability.
  7. Test/assessment reports prepared by accredited laboratories to show that the IBMT is suitable for the intended usage with specified performance
  8. Quality certification and quality assurance scheme
  9. List of limitations on the use of the IBMT
  10. Other relevant information that the AP/RSE/RGE considers essential for a particular application


An IBMT accepted by the BD will be assigned a unique reference number which should be quoted in the formal plan submissions. To cater for advancements in construction technology and possible changes in requirements under the BO and its subsidiary regulations, codes of practice and PNAPs, the in-principle acceptance of any IBMT will be subject to a validity period of maximum 5 years. Upon expiry, an application for renewal of the in-principle acceptance prepared by AP, RSE and/or RGE as appropriate shall be made in Form IBMT 2 to ensure compliance with the latest requirements of the BO.

If the IBMT is subsequently found not performing satisfactorily or non-compliance with the requirements of the BO, BD may revoke the in-principle acceptance and remove it from BD website.

Processing Time and Fee

On the condition that the application is accompanied with sufficient information, BD will provide a determination normally within 45 days from the date of receipt of the application in the form of a letter of in-principle acceptance if the IBMT is accepted in-principle for the proposed use. Otherwise, BD will provide a letter of comments on the application to AP/RSE/RGE also within 45 days. AP/RSE/RGE should clarify/respond to all comments in 30 days, or the application may be considered as abandoned. Upon receipt of the responses to comments and/or supplementary information from AP/RSE/RGE, BD will give a determination within 30 days. BD may refuse the application with a list of outstanding items or remaining comments yet to be addressed if full response is not received or the responses cannot satisfactorily address BD's comments.

Similar to the pre-submission enquiry services, no separate fee would be charged for the services provided under this pre-acceptance mechanism.

Lists of Accepted IBMT

IBMT accepted by BD will be shown in BD website for reference by the public and practitioners. Information of the IBMT including the letter of in-principle acceptance, brief description, requirements and limitations will be uploaded to BD website.

Accepted List (IBMT used in completed building projects are listed under Central Data Bank)

Enquiries and Feedback

For enquiries and feedback, please contact the following officers:

Building Matters

Technical Secretary/Building, Ms CHAN Pui-man, Claudia (

Structural Matters

Technical Secretary/Structural, Mr YAM Kwok-kit (