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Electronic Submission Hub (ESH)

What's new

Stage 3 of the Electronic Submission Hub (ESH)

30 June 2024

Stage 3 of the Electronic Submission Hub (ESH) is launched to accept all types of plan submissions and related applications, including general building plans and plans for alteration and addition works, under the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123) (BO). Further details are available in the related press release issued by this Department on 30 June 2024.

Digital signing function of the Electronic Submission Hub (ESH)

15 December 2023

Digital signing function of the Electronic Submission Hub has been enhanced on 15 December 2023. Users can use the Bulk Digital Signing System of the iAM Smart to sign multiple plans at a time.

Stage 2 of the Electronic Submission Hub (ESH)

31 March 2023

Stage 2 of the Electronic Submission Hub (ESH) is launched to accept more types of plan submissions. Further details are available in the related press release issued by this Department on 31 March 2023.

Stage 1 of the Electronic Submission Hub (ESH)

30 June 2022

Stage 1 of the Electronic Submission Hub (ESH) is launched to accept electronic structural plan for building works above ground not requiring cross-departmental referral (excluding alteration and addition works) and related applications.

Electronic Submission Hub (ESH) is put in service

31 May 2022

Electronic Submission Hub (ESH) is put in service to accept the first submissions of structural plan for building works above ground not requiring cross-department referral (i.e. not an amendment submission, resubmission or major revision). (excluding alteration and addition works).
