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Why Building Safety is important?

Regular inspection programme for external walls of buildings

Since 2024, the Buildings Department (BD) has put in place a regular inspection programme to inspect the external walls of target buildings across the territory. If obvious danger such as loose rendering or loose concrete is found, BD will carry out any necessary emergency works by mobilising the government contractor. As BD will only carry out emergency works to remove the obvious danger in accordance with the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance, any subsequent necessary repairs will have to be followed up by the building owners themselves. Prompt action should be carried out by the owners to repair the walls. Depending on the nature and extent of defects, BD may issue an investigation order or a repair order for owners’ follow-up. Upon completion of the emergency works, BD will recover from the concerned owners the cost of works and supervision charges and may impose a surcharge of not exceeding 20% on the cost due under Section 33 of the Buildings Ordinance. For details, please see "The Buildings Department's Internal Guidelines on Imposition of a Surcharge on Works carried out in default of Owners (Defaulted Works) under the Buildings Ordinance (BO) - A Summary".

Target buildings for the above inspection programme are selected by BD on a risk basis. These target buildings include aged buildings yet to be issued with Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) notices or investigation/repair orders, with relatively poor external wall condition and/or without proper building management (e.g. "three-nil" buildings). Buildings with outstanding MBIS notices and registered inspectors yet to be appointed may also be targeted in the above inspection programme.

Owners should take responsibility for the proper maintenance of their buildings to ensure safety of the occupants and the public. For details, please see the "Owner's Responsibility".

AI for identification of external wall defects

Inspecting the exteriors of buildings, especially at heights, can be time consuming and often difficult if there is no vantage point. With the evolution of technology, drones are increasingly used for building façade inspection to address this issue and to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of inspection work.

BD will capitalise on new technologies to carry out the regular inspection programme – apart from engaging drone service providers and outside consultants to conduct inspection and subsequent follow-up work, BD will also consider tapping into the artificial intelligence (AI) technology for generation of inspection reports based on images collected by drone inspections.

For further information on the AI services engaged, please refer to the attached service specifications.

Service specifications for Provision of AI services on identification of building façade defects for Buildings Department
