To dovetail with the implementation of the MBIS and the MWIS, the Government, in collaboration with the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), has launched various assistance schemes to help owners comply with the statutory requirements.
Eligible owners may obtain various forms of assistance and support from the URA and the Government at different stages of the two mandatory inspection schemes:
- Briefing sessions will be arranged for the owners concerned to assist them to comply with the statutory notices.
For more details please refer to the following links:
- Technical advice in respect of appointment of RIs, QPs and RCs.
For more details please refer to the following links:
- Assistance to building owners to form Owner's Corporation (OC).
For more details please refer to the following links:
- A subsidy of up to HK$3,000 per OC to be formed and technical assistance for OC formation.
For more details please refer to the following links:
- Mandatory Building Inspection Subsidy Scheme (MBISS) providing subsidy on the cost of appointment of RIs for the first prescribed building inspection to eligible owners, subject to a cap.
For more details please refer to the following links:
- Technical advisory services in respect of matters relating to building and window inspection and maintenance and, where necessary, referral to representatives of relevant professional bodies for free professional advice.
For more details please refer to the following links:
- The one-stop Integrated Building Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme providing financial assistance and technical support to building owners.
For more details please refer to the following links:
Under the Integrated Building Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme, owners can simply complete one set of application forms for multiple applications those who meet the eligibility criteria of the respective assistance schemes to carry out building and window repair works:
For more details please refer to the following links:
- Integrated Building Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme
- Integrated Building Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme Useful Forms and Documents
For details, please call 3188 1188.
The cost of professional services for building inspection and window inspection and their repair varies with such factors as the building size, the number and size of windows in the building, their conditions of maintenance and repair, and the prevailing market conditions of the trade.
There are over 400 persons registered as RI and over 15,000 RGBCs and RMWCs registered for the class, type, and item of minor works in respect of inspection and repair services.
The number of service providers should be sufficient to ensure a level playing field in the market. Owners/OCs may obtain quotations from different RIs and RCs for cost reference and comparison.
Please refer to the Reference Cost Information for Building Inspection and Repair under MBIS obtained from contract prices of consultants and contractors appointed by the Buildings Department, and Rehabilitation Project Cost Reference and Reference Unit Rate under Building Rehabilitation Platform administrated by the Urban Renewal Authority.
According to the quotations / advertising pamphlets provided by the QPs / Registered Contractors, please refer to the cost information for window inspection and common window repair items under the MWIS.
In any case, on the arrangement for complying with the MBIS and the MWIS, owners may also approach and discuss with the management company or the Owners’ Corporations of their buildings as well as other owners for better coordination and collaboration..