The flowchart for Validation Scheme is illustrated as follows:

Signboard Owner
Initiate the signboard validationAppointment of Appointed Person
See Eligible Professionals / Contractorsof the unauthorised signboard to ensure that the safety requirements and the respective specifications are met.
Submission of specified form
Within 14 days after the completion of the inspection
- Submit to the BD a specified form (SC01, SC02 or SC03)
- With photographs & description showing the physical condition of the signboard(1)
- Certify that the signboard is structurally safe and comply with the BO(2)
under simplified requirements of MWCS if required before validation
Notify Buildings Department
For Class I and II signboards:
- Notify the BD of the commencement of minor works (Form SC01 or SC02) at least 7 days before carrying out the works
For All classes of signboards:
- Notify the BD of completion within 14 days after completing the works (Form SC01C, SC02C or SC03)
- Certify that the signboard is structurally safe and comply with the BO(2)
- Include report on physical condition of the signboard as inspected, safety inspection report, plans, photographs & description as required according to the corresponding MW class of the unauthorised signboard to be validated.
- Except BO s.14(1) & Building (Administration) Regulation 25
Validation of signboards on common parts of a building
If the unauthorised signboard is erected at the exterior or other common parts of the building, the signboard owner should liaise with the owners concerned or the co-owners of the building / owners’ corporation / the management company regarding the right of use of such exterior or common parts, especially before the commencement of strengthening works, and to observe all obligations as stipulated in the deed of mutual covenant of the building.
The obligations include but are not limited to the arrangement of third party liability insurance.
Failing to obtain such consent may lead to a breach of the deed of mutual covenant of the building and the signboard owner may be liable to civil proceedings and bearing of civil liabilities.