
Mandatory inspection under the MBIS is required for all common parts (except the areas within individual private premises), external walls (whether or not the external walls are common parts), projections as prescribed in the Building (Inspection & Repair) Regulation(B(I&R)R) and signboards erected on a building.
The Code of Practice for the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) and the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) 2012 (2023 Edition) specifies the technical and procedural requirements for the carrying out of the building inspection, examination or assessment, rectification and repair works under MBIS. It also provides for the scope and requirements of inspection, rectification and repair works as well as the acceptance criteria for quality control.
For examples of the building elements within the scope of prescribed inspection for MBIS, please refer to Annex I under General Guidelines for Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme & Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme.
Detailed Investigation
The RIs shall consider conducting a detailed investigation where there are serious defects, not arising from normal deterioration, constituting structural instability or serious health hazard, or where the extent or cause of the defects cannot be ascertained in the inspection.
The RI shall exercise professional judgment to determine whether a detailed investigation is required to be conducted for the inspected items stated in the Code of Practice for the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) and the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) 2012 (2023 Edition).
Notification to the Building Authority
When the RI intends to conduct a detailed investigation, he shall submit notification of his intention and a detailed investigation proposal to the BA in accordance with the B(I&R)R and the relevant Practice Note for Mandatory Building and Window Inspection Schemes.