Appointment of Service Providers
Registered Inspector (RI)
Where the RI considers that a prescribed repair is required, the owners concerned must appoint a registered general building contractor (RGBC) or a registered minor works contractor (RMWC) who is registered for the relevant repair works to carry out the prescribed repair under the supervision of an RI (who may be the same as or different from the RI who has carried out the prescribed inspection, as the owners may decide).
Upon completion of the prescribed repair, the RI so appointed must submit a Completion Report together with a certificate in the specified form to the Building Authority(BA) for record and audit check.
The RI should adopt the design standard and code of practice prevailing at the time when the building was constructed and when alteration and addition works were carried out, and the standard achieved after completion of the improvement works resulting from the implementation of the Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance (FS(CP)O) or Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance (FS(B)O) as the inspection standard.
Repair works required
If repair is found necessary after the inspection, the performance of the rectification and repair works shall not be inferior to that required by the regulations, standards and codes of practice prevailing at the time when the building was constructed and when alteration and addition works were carried out, or if fire safety improvement works had been completed in accordance with the Fire Safety Directions issued under the FS(CP)O or FS(B)O, the standard of such completed works. Reference should be made to the relevant PNAP & PNBI issued by the BA from time to time as well as the Technical Guidelines on Minor Works Control System.
The Code of Practice for the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme and the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme 2012 (CoP) issued by the BD stipulates in details the required scope, methods and standards on inspection, the categories of building damages and the required repair, etc.

Types of repair works
The rectification and repair works to be carried out shall be in accordance with the latest plans approved by the BA, plans submitted to the BA for the commencement or carrying out of minor works under the simplified requirements, and where applicable, the completed fire safety improvement works under the FS(CP)O or FS(B)O.

For rectification or repair works that are minor works or exempted building works, prior approval and consent from the BA is NOT required.
For other types of rectification or repair works, BA’s approval of plans and consent to the commencement of works is required prior to the commencement of the works.
For the purpose of carrying out such works, the RI shall advise the owners to engage an Authorised Person, an Registered Structural Engineer and Registered Geotechnical Engineer where applicable as well as an RGBC or RSC, as the case may be, as prescribed in the Buildings Ordinance and regulations.
Registered Contractor (RC)
The RC appointed to carry out the necessary rectification and repair works under the MBIS shall be an RGBC or RMWC who is qualified to carry out the rectification and repair works and whose name is for the time being on the respective contractors registers kept by the BA.
RMWCs are qualified to carry out minor works belonging to the class, type and item for which they are registered.